BootCamp, run by Mrs. Schulenburg (herself a Black Belt instructor as well as a Registered Nurse!) has always kept on top of the latest developments in both Sports Medicine and Nutritional Health. It's a self-paced program designed to meet the needs of those just starting out in fitness (c'mon, step away from that TV!) to those that have been working towards marathons or matches.
This is NOT a health club where you casually stare at bizarre machines, waiting your turn. This is dynamic exercise, practical movements that enhance your life by building the strength and endurance that make each and everyday a lot more fun! While YOU control the intensity, "drill sergeant" Carolyn is there to push you to do your best.
Whether it's the functional power gained through kettle bells or the core strength developed by the gentle

The other aspect of BootCamp is the nutritional end of things. While certainly not a proscribed diet, you will know how many calories to consume each day, how much water to drink and how often to eat. You'll learn how to really decipher nutrition labels and learn what ratios of Carbs, Fats and Protein are best for getting in shape. You'll learn which foods to eat more of... and which to eat less of. And maybe even some to avoid entirely!
Give us a call at 815-334-9662 to schedule a Free Trial workout and to find out more about our Fitness Programs!